Adams is certainly not a fine artist" perhaps not even an artist, whatever
that is." "Neal Adams is a commercial artist, a cartoonist, and
course a comic book
artist. "Continues
Adams." I hope in the end I am a skilled drawing artist
who can basically do anything that I am asked to do...or
want to
A childhood
comic-book reader who, after developing his talents, was rejected
in 1959 by DC Comics.
He was told, "The industry is closed. There is no room for anyone new."
frustration, Adams did Archie comics (which he is very proud
of), penciling and background work on the Bat Masterson strip,
by Howard Nostrand, then took on advertising, storyboard, and
comic-strip jobs through Johnstone and Cushing.
by illustrators Bob Peak, Bernie Fuchs and Al Parker, he developed
a top level illustration portfolio.
The portfolio was appreciated so much, it was stolen!
He was offered the Ben Casey newspaper strip which he voluntarily ended after
31/2 years of sizable success. The theft of his illustration portfolio lead him
to visit Archie Goodwin at Jim Warren's Creepy and Eerie magazines.
brought a wide variety of illustration techniques to his work
for the Warren magazines.
He then decided to try D.C. Comics for a second time. Inspired by Joe Kubert,
Russ Heath and Mort Drucker, he was originally drawn to DC's war books.
a freelancer, Adams made himself welcome enough to work in
house. The new kid quickly become the whiz kid. In 1968, Adams
was illustrating the Sector and followed Carmine Infantino
on Deadman in Strange Adventures, which brought him to the
attention of the entire industry. In an effort to breakdown
oppressive, unspoken "rules" in the comic book business, Neal
openly approached Marvel. Stan Lee received DC's young superstar
with open arms. |
ensuing X-Men equaled Marvel's premier talents - Kirby and
Steranko - and saved the titlE from immediate cancellation.
Adams has consistently worked in favor of creator's rights
in the comics industry and was instrumental in winning much
needed royalties for Superman creators, Jerry Seigel and Joe
Schuster. As DC's top cover artist, Neal proved his ability
to portray Superman and Batman, he soon moved on to Batman
stories. Adams successfully updated the property from the campy
'60s TV-show persona to his revolutionary, modern version of
the original dark avenger concept.
Batman work serves as a prototype and inspiration for every
illustrator of the character to this day. The caliber of this
work with writer Dennis O'Neil (who also worked with Neal on
the award winning Green Lantern - Green Arrow series) is born
out as O'Neil remains editor over the entire Batman line to
date. Adams topflight work for the two mega publishers continued
through the mid-70s when he felt it the time for expansion.
Cutting edge advertising animatic work, Tarzan book covers,
theatrical costume and stage design, amusement park ride design,
and magazine work, including National Lampoon, was part of
the expansion that led to the opening of Continuity studios.
has developed various properties, of it's own and others including
Bucky O'Hare, Skeleton Warriors, CyberRad, Ms. Mystic, Nighthawk,
etc. for TV and comics. Continuity may be the top storyboard
studio in the world!